spoof vintage store near rue de rivoli where Paris Fashion Week was held
i wear Cotton Ink blue blouse, unbranded blue drapes skirt, ASOS rounded metal sunglasses, Aldo black furred
faux-leather postman bag.
Docmart white floral 3 holes
i wear Mother's old blazer collection, Zara black legging, Janeville green velvet shoulder bag.

the shadow of rounded metal sunglasses by ASOS
favorite shoe store so far, Repetto.
i just think that i have made a worst decision so far; left someone who loves me that much for one who doesn't, it was too hard to explain like "it was love at first sight, at last sight, at ever and ever sight." (by Vladimir Nabokov, Lolita.) but then, so glad that i still have most lovely friends who i love to the moon and back that always said "you can light the fire, open up the window," vous êtes les meilleurs. oh, did i tell you that i stalked a model who walked so fast due to go to paris fashion week a couple weeks ago? if no, i told you so.
now tell me, what do you guys wish to do in paris, france? i'll do for you if you really don't mind :-)
i was always late everywhere because i'm stuck in my world. too late to eat, to think, to talk, even to sleep, like stay up late and wake up early, can we stay up late talking non-stop? perhaps when we found that we're always wanting something and we could share secretly each other. i'll found what i love and let it be murderer, such as flawlessly way to die.
note to anybody: i'd love to send a postcard to each friend anywhere, please tell me if you really interested to get postcard from here and i'll slip some ugliness on the postcard.
merci beaucoup :-) xx